Experience the pride, satisfaction and fun that comes with membership
and active participation!
When you join, you help to….
Build an inclusive community through fostering individual, family, organizational and business connections, and through establishing cultural bridges.
Strengthen the community by supporting educational and civic advocacy, and by promoting active community participation.
Enrich the community by supporting and participating in enjoyable cultural, social and professional events and programs.
A general membership provides opportunities for networking, building relationships with people in the community and participating in alliances that advocate for educational excellence, economic opportunity and equity in governance issues. Active participation provides the opportunity for you to share your ideas on building and strengthening our community with others and to bring them to fruition.
A business membership provides advertising and marketing opportunities within the community, including website listings and business spotlights at First Thaursdays and other WOAHO sponsored events. Business membership contributes to the overall economic health of West Orange and surrounding communities, which translates to more sustainable businesses.
Only through your membership, contributions and active participation can WOAHO enhance and expand our programs, and increase our scholarship offerings!
Who are the members of WOAHO?
They are residents and businesses of West Orange and surrounding communities from all walks of life who are active in the community and are committed to enriching the quality of the lives of people in our communities.
How much is membership?
Membership for individuals is $35/year. Membership for couples residing in the same household is $50/year. Business membership is only $75/year. Memberships are for a calendar year.
How do I join?
Membership can be done in two ways.
You may download an application, fill it out and return it with a check made payable to WOAHO. Membership for individuals is $35/year. Membership for couples residing in the same household is $50/year. Business membership is only $75/year. Memberships are for a calendar year. Your application and check may be mailed to: PO Box 495, West Orange, NJ 07052. To Download an application. CLICK HERE